Telemark Technological R&D Centre (Tel-Tek)

 Total number of MIC articles   5
 Total number of DOI citations  30
 Average citations per article  6.00
 Years 1995 - 2014 

MIC: Telemark Technological R&D Centre (Tel-Tek)

2014-3-1: Håkon Viumdal, Saba Mylvaganam and David Di Ruscio, “System Identification of a Non-Uniformly Sampled Multi-Rate System in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells”

2014-1-3: Shuai Wang, Jon Hovland and Rune Bakke, “Modeling and simulation of lab-scale anaerobic co-digestion of MEA waste”

2002-2-3: Britt Halvorsen and Vidar Mathiesen, “Modeling and Simulation of a lab-scale Fluidised Bed”

2002-1-3: Qianpu Wang, Morten Chr. Melaaen and Sunil R. de Silva, “A Computational and Experimental Study of Fluid Flow in a De-duster”

1995-4-1: Bjørn H. Hjertager and K. Morud, “Computational fluid dynamics simulation of bioreactors”