Total number of MIC articles | 68 ![]() |
Total number of DOI citations | 514 |
Average citations per article | 7.56 |
Years | 1980 - 2024 |
2024-2-3: Nima Janatian, Stein Krogstad and Roshan Sharma, “Investigating the performance of Robust Daily Production Optimization against a combined well-reservoir model”
2021-2-3: Eirik B. Njaastad, Geir Ole Tysse and Olav Egeland, “Residual vibration control for robotic 3D scanning with application to inspection of marine propellers”
2020-3-5: Aksel Sveier, Torstein A. Myhre and Olav Egeland, “Extrinsic calibration for motion estimation using unit quaternions and particle filtering”
2020-2-1: Åse Neverlien, Signe Moe and Jan T. Gravdahl, “Compressor Surge Control Using Lyapunov Neural Networks”
2018-2-6: Jan Einar Gravdal, H.B. Siahaan and Knut Steinar Bjørkevoll, “Limiting Factors for the Ability to Achieve Accurate Pressure Control in Long Wells”
2016-2-1: Esten I. Grøtli and Tor A. Johansen, “Motion- and Communication-Planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Delay Tolerant Network using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming”
2014-4-8: Biao Su, Roger Skjetne and Tor Einar Berg, “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Double-Acting Offshore Vessel Performance in Level Ice”
2011-1-2: Magnus Komperød, John A. Bones and Bernt Lie, “A Sensor Fusion Algorithm for Filtering Pyrometer Measurement Noise in the Czochralski Crystallization Process”
2009-4-3: Andrew Ross, “A Rudimentary History of Dynamics”
2008-2-3: Erik Kyrkjebø and Kristin Y. Pettersen, “Operational space synchronization of two robot manipulators through a virtual velocity estimate”
2008-1-2: Pål Liljebäck, Øyvind Stavdahl and Kristin Y. Pettersen, “Modular Pneumatic Snake Robot: 3D Modelling, Implementation And Control”
2006-1-3: Johannes Tjønnås and Tor A. Johansen, “Optimizing nonlinear adaptive control allocation”
2005-4-1: Øyvind Stavdahl, Anne K. Bondhus, Kristin Y. Pettersen and Kjell E. Malvig, “Optimal Statistical Operations for 3-Dimensional Rotational Data: Geometric Interpretations and Application to Prosthesis Kinematics”
2005-3-1: Frode Martinsen and Dag Slagstad, “Application of seeding and automatic differentiation in a large scale ocean circulation model”
2003-2-1: Karl E. Kaasen and Halvor Lie, “Analysis of Vortex Induced Vibrations of Marine Risers”
2002-2-1: Stein T. Johansen, “Multi-phase Flow Modeling applied to Metallurgical Processes”
2001-4-3: Oddvar Husby, Torgrim Lie, Thomas Langø, Jørn Hokland and Håvard Rue, “Bayesian 2D Deconvolution: A Model for Diffuse Ultrasound Scattering”
2001-3-3: Ivar J. Halvorsen and Sigurd Skogestad, “Optimal operation of Petlyuk distillation: Steady-state behavior”
1998-3-2: Tor S. Schei, “A finite-difference method for linearization in nonlinear estimation algorithms”
1997-4-3: Per J. Nicklasson, Romeo Ortega and Gerardo Espinosa-Perez, “Passivity-Based Control of a Class of Blondel-Park Transformable Electric Machines”
1997-2-3: Dag Slagstad and Torleif Iversen, “Simulation and visualization of coupled hydrodynamical, chemical and biological models”
1997-2-2: Stein T. Johansen, “Applications of computational fluid dynamics in optimisation and design of metallurgical processes”
1997-2-1: Ommund Øgård and Tor I. Eikaas, “Multi-purpose process simulators”
1996-2-2: Tor S. Schei, “Wave disturbance filtering in dynamic positioning systems”
1995-3-4: Geir Horn and Svein Linge, “Analytical generation of the dynamical equations for mechanical manipulators”
1995-3-3: Are Willersrud, Fred Godtliebsen and Trygve Thomessen, “Automatic programming of grinding robot restoration of contours”
1995-1-2: K. Uhlen, Bjarne A. Foss and O.B. Gjøsæter, “Robust control and analysis of a wind-diesel hybrid power plant”
1994-4-2: Bjørn Lillekjendlie, Dimitris Kugiumtzis and Nils Christophersen, “Chaotic time series. Part II. System Identification and Prediction”
1994-4-1: Dimitris Kugiumtzis, Bjørn Lillekjendlie and Nils Christophersen, “Chaotic time series. Part I. Estimation of some invariant properties in state-space”
1993-4-2: Hallvard G. Fjær and Asbjørn Mo, “ALSPEN: a mathematical model for thermal stresses in direct chill casting of aluminium billets”
1993-3-4: Tom Kavli, “Frequency domain synthesis of trajectory learning controllers for robot manipulators”
1993-2-4: Trygve Thomessen, Ole J. Elle, Jon Lund Larsen, Torgrim Andersen, Jahn E. Pedersen and Terje K. Lien, “Automatic programming of grinding robot”
1993-2-2: Dag Ljungquist, Stig Strand and Jens G. Balchen, “Catalytic cracking models developed for predictive control purposes”
1992-3-3: Tor S. Schei, “A method for closed loop automatic tuning of PID controllers”
1991-1-3: Tor S. Schei, Peter Singstad and Aage J. Thunem, “Transient Simulations of Gas-Oil-Water Separation Plants”
1990-4-1: Dag Slagstad, Kjell Støle-Hansen and Harald Loeng, “Density driven currents in the Barents Sea calculated by a numerical model”
1990-1-3: Eirik Borgen, Henning Neerland and Jan O. Strandhagen, “Analysis of manufacturing based on object oriented discrete event simulation”
1990-1-2: Kristian M. Lien and Terje Hertzberg, “Improved heuristic algorithm for selection of tear streams and precedence ordering in process flowsheeting computations”
1989-3-6: Bjarne A. Foss, J.E. Haug, J. Alne and Sverre Aam, “User experience with on-line predictive river flow regulation”
1989-3-5: Torleif Iversen, “Control elements in mechanism simulation”
1989-3-4: Morten Heintz, Vojislav Novakovic, Ommund Øgård and Georg Brustad, “HVAC-DYNAMIC: a training simulator for dynamic analysis of HVAC plants”
1989-3-2: Kurt Strand, Håvard Nordhus, Peter Singstad and Magne Hillestad, “Role of computational efficiency in process simulation”
1988-4-3: Bjarne A. Foss, “Applying parameter identification and optimal input design in well-testing”
1988-3-4: Øyvin Skarstein, “Condition monitoring of power plants using extended Kalman filtering”
1988-3-1: Felix F. Wu, Wen-Hsiung E. Liu, Lars Holten, Anders Gjelsvik and Sverre Aam, “Observability analysis and bad date processing of state estimation using Hachtel's augmented matrix method”
1988-2-2: Per E. Koch and Kesheng Wang, “Introduction of b-splines to trajectory planning for robot manipulators”
1988-1-2: Anton M. Bøifot, “Identification of Layers in Oil-Tanks Using a Reflectometer”
1987-3-1: Kesheng Wang and Terje K. Lien, “The Planning of Straight Line Trajectory in Robotics Using Interactive Graphics”
1987-1-7: Dag Slagstad, Y. Olsen and S. Tilseth, “A Model Based System for Control of Live Feed Level for Larval Fish”
1987-1-6: Leif Jørgensen, “An Automated System for Incubation of Pelagic Fish Eggs”
1987-1-3: R. Klepaker, Karsten Vestgård, J.O. Hallset and Jens G. Balchen, “The Application of a Free Swimming Remotely Operated Vehicle in Aquaculture”
1987-1-2: B.A. Holand, “Underwater Telemetry as a Tool in Aquaculture Research and Development”
1985-1-3: Steinar Sælid, Olav Egeland and Bjarne A. Foss, “A solution to the blow-up problem in adaptive controllers”
1984-3-1: Dag Slagstad, “A Model of Phytoplankton Production in the Marginal Sea Ice Zone of the Barents Sea”
1984-1-3: Stephen F. Barstow and Harald E. Krogstad, “General Analysis of Directional Ocean Wave Data from Heave Pitch Roll Buoys”
1983-3-4: Tore Flobakk, “Parameter Estimation of Ship Manoeuvring Equations”
1983-1-3: Steinar Sælid and Nils A. Jenssen, “Adaptive ship autopilot with wave filter”
1982-3-2: Sverre Aam, Øyvin Skarstein and L. Gagnat, “Implementation of a Load Prediction Program System for the Norwegian Power Pool”
1982-3-1: Anders Gjelsvik, “Stochastic Seasonal Planning in Multireservoir Hydroelectric Power Systems by Differential Dynamic Programming”
1982-2-2: Dag Slagstad, “A Model of Phytoplankton Growth - Effects of Vertical Mixing and Adaptation to Light”
1982-1-3: Jørgen Opdal, “Real-Time Simulation of Oil Drilling Operations”
1982-1-2: S. Suh and Thor O. Olsen, “Optimal Co-Generation in an Integrated Kraft Mill”
1981-4-1: Hans Berntsen, Zygmunt Kowalik, Steinar Sælid and Karstein Sørli, “Efficient numerical simulation of ocean hydrodynamics by a splitting procedure”
1981-3-1: Dag Slagstad, “Modeling and Simulation of Physiology and Population-Dynamics of Copepods - Effects of Physical and Biological Parameters”
1981-2-1: Bjørn A.J. Angelsen and Kjell Kristoffersen, “On Ultrasonic MTI Measurement of Velocity Profiles in Blood-Flow”
1981-1-3: Magne Fjeld and Sverre Aam, “An Implementation of Estimation Techniques to a Hydrological Model for Prediction of Runoff to a Hydroelectric Power-Station”
1981-1-1: Rolf Henriksen and Aage J. Thunem, “A Small Econometric-Model of Norway”
1980-3-1: Jens G. Balchen, Nils A. Jenssen, Eldar Mathisen and Steinar Sælid, “A Dynamic Positioning System Based on Kalman Filtering and Optimal Control”