Alphabetic List of Institutions:
1. Aalborg University2. Aarhus University
4. ABB
5. Åbo Akademi, Finland
6. Adigo AS
7. Airbus
8. Applied Dynamics International, USA
9. Aqua Unique AS
10. Ariake National College of Technology (Japan)
11. Austevoll Aquaculture Station
12. Australian National University
13. BioTek AS, Porsgrunn
14. Bird Laboratories AS, Stjørdal
15. Bismuth Foundation
16. Bosch Rexroth
17. Budapest University of Technology and Economics
18. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
19. Buskerud University College
20. California Institute of Technology
21. CAMO AS, Trondheim
22. Carnegie-Mellon University
23. Case Western Reserve University, USA
24. Central Norway Regional Health Authority
25. CentraleSupelec, France
26. Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (AMOS,NTNU)
27. Centre for Industrial Research (SI)
28. Chalmers University of Technology
29. Christian Michelsen Research
30. Chuo University, Tokyo
31. Computas AS, Trondheim
32. Cyberlab Org AS
33. Cybernetica
34. Daimler-Benz
35. Dalian Maritime University (China)
36. Danfoss
37. Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
38. Eindhoven University of Technology
39. Electric Power Research Institute, USA
40. Electricité de France
41. Elkem
42. Eramet Norway
43. Fachhochschule Bielefeld
44. Fenner Mandals
45. Ghent University
46. Glencore Nikkelverk (Kristiansand)
47. GlucoSet AS, Norway
48. Halic University
49. Harbin Engineering University
50. Højbjerg Maskinfabrik A/S
51. IGP AS, Trondheim
52. Imperial College, UK
53. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
54. Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)
55. Institute of Fisheries Biology, Bergen
56. Institute of Fishery Technology Research, Bergen
57. Institute of Marine Research, Bergen
58. Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Poland
59. International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS)
60. Kathmandu University
61. Kongsberg Albatross AS
62. Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace
63. Kongsberg Maritime
64. Kongsberg Oil and Gas Technologies
65. Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk AS
66. Kværner Brug, Oslo
67. Laboratoire des Signaux et Systemes (France)
68. Laboratoire d´Automatique de Grenoble (France)
69. Laerdal Medical
70. Lappeenranta University of Technology
71. Liftra Aps
72. Linköping University
73. Luleå University of Technology
74. Lund University
75. Marine Cybernetics
76. Maritime Robotics
77. MHWirth AS
78. Mobil Corporation R&D, USA
79. Narvik University College
80. National Ice Center (USA)
81. National Oilwell Varco
82. NAVTEK, Horten
83. NODEC AS, Trondheim
84. NorControl Simulation AS
85. Norsk Data AS, Oslo
86. Norsk Hydro
87. North University of China
88. Northeast University of Technology (Shenyang)
89. Norwegian Computing Centre, Oslo
90. Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
91. Norwegian Polar Institute
92. Norwegian Power Pool (NPP)
93. Norwegian University of Life Sciences
94. NTNU
95. NTNU Aalesund
96. NTNU, Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems
97. NTNU, Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures
98. NTNU, Department of Chemical Engineering
99. NTNU, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
100. NTNU, Department of Marine Technology
101. Nynäs AB, Sweden
103. Oy Partek, Finland
104. Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
105. Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo
106. PPM AS
107. Quasar Consultants AS (Oslo)
108. Rafinor
109. Resource Policy Group, Norway
110. Rikshospitalet University Hospital
111. Ruhr-Universität Bochum
112. RWTH Aachen
113. Seatex AS, Trondheim
114. Seismic Research and Development AS
115. Shandong University
117. Silesian University of Technology
119. Simula Research Laboratory
121. Skagerak Kraft AS
122. Slovak University of Technology
123. Sogn and Fjordane University College
124. St Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norway
125. St. Regis Paper Company, USA
126. Statistics Norway
127. Statkraft
128. Statoil
129. Steinar Sælid AS
130. SUPELEC Systems Sciences (France)
131. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
132. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ)
133. Sør-Trøndelag University College
134. Tampere University of Technology
135. Technical University of Denmark
136. Technische Universität München
137. Teknova AS
138. Telemark Technological R&D Centre (Tel-Tek)
139. Telemark University College
140. The Aerospace Corporation, California
141. The Arctic University of Norway
142. The Norwegian Research Institute of Electricity Supply (EFI)
143. The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administratio (NHH)
144. The Ship Research Institute of Norway
145. Tiedemans Lobster Project
146. Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine
147. Toosi University of Technology (Iran)
148. Turku University of Applied Sciences
149. Typhonix
150. Ullevål University Hospital
151. Universidad de Buenos Aires
152. Universidad de Mexico
153. Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya
154. Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
155. Université Pierre et Marie Curie
156. University Centre in Svalbard
157. University College Lillebaelt
158. University of Adelaide
159. University of Agder
160. University of Alaska
161. University of Antwerp
162. University of Arizona
163. University of Auckland
164. University of Austin, Texas
165. University of Belgrade
166. University of Bergen
167. University of Berkeley
168. University of California at Berkeley
169. University of California San Diego
170. University of California, Santa Barbara
171. University of Connecticut
172. University of Glamorgan
173. University of Houston
174. University of Hull, UK
175. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
176. University of Liége, Belgium
177. University of Lincoln
178. University of Napoli
179. University of Newcastle (Australia)
180. University of Nis, Serbia
181. University of Nuevo Leon
182. University of Oldenburg
183. University of Oslo
184. University of Oulu
185. University of Queensland
186. University of South-Eastern Norway
187. University of Southern Denmark
188. University of Stavanger
189. University of Stuttgart
190. University of Twente, Netherlands
191. University Studies at Kjeller (UNIK)
192. Vestas Wind Systems A/S
193. Victoria University
194. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
195. Xihua University
196. Yara
197. Zeabuz AS
198. Østfold University College